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Co-Parenting in Los Angeles During Coronavirus Pandemic
Many parents have questions about co-parenting during the coronavirus or COVID-19 crisis. Read our tips and answers to frequently asked questions about child custody, parenting time, and child support.
10 Tips for an A+ Back-to-School Transition for Children of Divorced Parents
Maybe your child is transitioning from elementary school to middle school or to high school. Maybe this is the first school year that your child will live in two households. The start of a new school year can be equal parts exhilarating and stressful for any child - new teacher, new schedule, new friends, new school supplies, and hopefully, a pair of some cool new shoes. We have some tips to help you along the way.
Something All Co-Parents Can Agree On: Read Daily to Young Kids
A new study from The Ohio State University found that young children whose parents read them five books per day enter kindergarten having heard about 1.4 million more words than kids who were never read to. They're likely to be more prepared to start school, and to pick up reading skills more quickly and easily.
How Is Child Support Calculated in Los Angeles? A Complete Guide for Parents
Wondering how child support is calculated in Los Angeles? Learn about the key factors, including income, timeshare, and health insurance costs, that determine child support obligations. Find out if you can reach an agreement or if a court will decide for you.
What is an Income and Expense Declaration in Los Angeles Divorces? Understanding its Role in Spousal and Child Support Proceedings
Learn about the importance of the Income and Expense Declaration in Los Angeles divorce cases. Discover how it impacts spousal and child support, why honesty is crucial, and how to properly complete the form. Find out how to protect your financial interests in divorce proceedings.