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Are There Any Unique Challenges in Same-Sex Divorce? The Truth About California’s Divorce Laws
Are you facing a same-sex divorce in Los Angeles? Understand the unique challenges related to property division, child custody, and spousal support under California’s divorce laws. Learn how to navigate these complexities with legal insight tailored to LGBTQ+ couples.
The Hidden Dangers of Separation: Emotional, Financial, and Domestic Violence Risks During Divorce
The period of separation during a divorce is often the most stressful and dangerous phase. From emotional upheaval to financial instability and the heightened risk of domestic violence, understanding these risks is crucial for those navigating the challenges of divorce. Learn why separation is a critical time and how to protect yourself and your family.
Navigating the Stress of the Legal Process of Divorce: Top 3 Challenges and How to Cope
The legal process of divorce can be one of the most daunting and stressful aspects of ending a marriage. From understanding legal jargon to managing court dates and negotiations, the complexities of the legal system can add an extra layer of stress to an already challenging time. Here are three of the top challenges people face during the legal process divorce and practical tips for coping with each one.
How to Prevent Having Your Prenup Invalidated in a California Divorce
Prenuptial agreements, or prenups, are crucial tools for couples planning to marry, providing clarity and protection concerning financial matters should the marriage end. However, their enforceability can be challenged, leading to potential invalidation. Understanding how prenups can be invalidated and how to avoid these pitfalls is essential for ensuring your agreement stands the test of time.
Does The Length of Marriage Matter in a California Divorce?
One of the most common divorce questions is whether the length of the marriage matters in a California divorce. The short answer is yes. The length of marriage is measured from the date of marriage until the date of separation. The date of separation is not the same thing as the date of divorce. This is because couples choose to separate and then go through the legal process of divorce. The length of marriage impacts spousal support and asset/debt division in California divorces.
No-Fault Divorce: The “Blame Game” in California Divorces
It’s not uncommon for people to get hung up on their spouse’s wrongdoings during divorce proceedings. We get it - divorce and separation is extremely painful, and people do hurtful and even deplorable things to each other. We see cases involving infidelity, financial abuse, domestic violence, and more - deep and harmful betrayal and deception. But do California courts care if your spouse is to blame for the breakdown of your marriage? And why is no-fault divorce a hot topic in the news right now?
Four Things California Judges Look for in Child Custody Cases
When parents can’t agree on a parenting plan, either parent can ask a judge to decide. What are some things California judges look for in child custody cases? Is your Los Angeles child custody attorney familiar with your judge to tailor arguments and gather evidence that will resonate the most?
Money Mistakes Couples Make That Lead to Divorce
According to the National Marriage Project, couples who reported disagreements about finances once per week were over 30% more likely to divorce than couples who reported disagreements about finances less frequently. There are certain common money mistakes couples make that we see repeatedly in our divorce cases. These mistakes and disagreements cause tension in the relationship and can even destroy a marriage.
Financial Infidelity: What It Is And How To Protect Yourself
Financial infidelity occurs when couples with combined finances lie to each other about money. It can include hiding debt, purchases, or financial accounts from a partner. Financial disagreements are stronger predictors of divorce relative to other common marital disagreements.
Case Summary: Prenups and Spousal Support in Last v. Superior Court (2023)
Case Summary: Prenups and Spousal Support in Last v. Superior Court (2023)
How Britney Spears Settled Her Divorce - Less Than 9 Months After Filing
TMZ is reporting that Britney Spears has settled her divorce from Sam Asghari. The Petition for Dissolution of Marriage was filed by Sam on August 16, 2023. Settling a divorce, especially a high net worth divorce, in less than nine months is impressive. So, how did they do it?
5 Ways That People Make Divorces More Expensive Than They Need To Be
One of the top concerns people have at the beginning of the divorce process is financial ruin. These are the top four ways that people make their divorces more expensive than they need to be.
How To Prepare For Your First Family Law Court Hearing
It’s up to your family law attorney to prepare the legal arguments and gather the facts and evidence to put on as strong a case as possible. But what can you do to prepare for your first court hearing in a family law matter?
Emily Joined Well + Good to Discuss Spousal Support & What to Know Before Getting Married
Emily shares her thoughts with Well + Good about spousal support and what to know before getting married.
What Divorce Retainers Are and Why Attorneys Require Them
How does a divorce retainer work? What are the benefits to the client? Get your retainer questions answered in this post.
5 Secrets to Efficiently Manage Your Attorney Fees During Divorce
Hiring a divorce attorney can be stressful. Attorneys are expensive, so how can a client be sure that their time is being used wisely? Here are 5 ways to manage your attorney fees during divorce.
Emily Shares Her Thoughts on the Bill & Melinda Gates Divorce on Newstalk ZB
Emily joined New Zealand’s Heather du Plessis-Allan live on Newstalk ZB to discuss the Bill and Melinda Gates divorce.
How People Inadvertently Make Their Divorces More Expensive
Divorces are expensive. Read about the four ways people make their divorces more expensive.
Do All California Divorces Go to Court? Exploring Uncontested vs. Contested Divorce Processes in Los Angeles County
Wondering if all divorces in Los Angeles County go to court? Learn about the differences between uncontested and contested divorces, how each process works, and what to expect in terms of time, cost, and emotional impact.
Ways that People Hide Money in Divorce
Do you think your ex is hiding assets or income? Here are some common ways that people try to outsmart the system and hide money during a divorce.