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4 Things That Can Be Used Against You In a California Child Custody Battle
In a California child custody battle, evidence of substance abuse, negative behavior towards the other parent, lack of involvement in the child’s life, and involvement in legal or criminal issues can all be used against you. It is essential to proactively address these concerns and demonstrate your commitment to your child’s well-being.
No-Fault Divorce: The “Blame Game” in California Divorces
It’s not uncommon for people to get hung up on their spouse’s wrongdoings during divorce proceedings. We get it - divorce and separation is extremely painful, and people do hurtful and even deplorable things to each other. We see cases involving infidelity, financial abuse, domestic violence, and more - deep and harmful betrayal and deception. But do California courts care if your spouse is to blame for the breakdown of your marriage? And why is no-fault divorce a hot topic in the news right now?
Four Things California Judges Look for in Child Custody Cases
When parents can’t agree on a parenting plan, either parent can ask a judge to decide. What are some things California judges look for in child custody cases? Is your Los Angeles child custody attorney familiar with your judge to tailor arguments and gather evidence that will resonate the most?